Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Survival of the Fittest

I wanted to share what I have learned about how the bible we have today came about. And about the God the bible says you must serve. Feel free to disagree, ask questions, or point out potential errors along the way. But please, do so respectfully. This may take more than one part. So when it ends it will be continued. I don’t want to post too much at once, and forget to mention something I feel pertinent to the discussion.

Before I get started I want to say something. If we prove the bible is contradictory, full of error, and not infallible what does that say about Christianity? If the bible, which is what Christianity is based on is a lie the religion itself must be a lie. And if the religion itself is a lie their God must be a lie, too. Let that sit awhile while you read on.

First, let us consider the concept of God. Since the world began mankind has sought God. Sought to find a shred of proof he\she exists. And today that search continues. Wisdom seeks to find evidence of God through various means. Through the cosmos, nature, the heartbeat of the universe, and more. It seeks but never really finds so much as a trace.

The only thing mankind has found in years of science and space is science and space. There are endless reaches of space, and scientific wisdom only finds nature and the workings of nature. Nothing more has ever been found. In fact, religion and superstition continues to hold science back today. A friend of mine made a good point in a video he did. Without all the religion holding back science, and voting against helpful bills they find immoral with no basis, even in their holy books we are way behind. Science has doubled our life expectancy. Just think what it could have done with all that wasted time had it not been wasted.

And while wisdom was busy searching for God ignorance found him; or shall we say believes he has been found? Not only has ignorance believed it found God, but that it knows what this God wants, thinks, likes, and dislikes. And this ignorance that found God found him well before the religious believers we know today. So we can’t really place the blame on today’s followers. We can only hope to open their eyes and minds just a little bit. To convince them to use the logic, common sense, and reason they were born with. After all, if they believe in God they must believe they were perfectly and wonderfully made, so why wouldn’t God want them to use what he supposedly perfectly and wonderfully gave them?

In the infancy of the human race ignorance found God. Before science, before the wheel was invented, before fires were tamed to benefit man. It was a cold and dangerous world back then. Could you imagine being one of those primitive men? What would you think when it thundered? When lightning flashed before your eyes? Wouldn’t you think some angry creator was showing his wrath? Of course, today we know why it thunders, why it rains, why the lightning strikes and we have used those things to advance our kind.

Back then the human race struggled to survive. To escape enemies, reproduce, feed themselves. We were emerging from darkness with animal instincts and the very beginning of reasoning. The only real thought in their minds every day was surviving it. The world was a dangerous place. Survival of the fittest.

And these simple minds would think of past leaders who had helped them destroy enemies, but were now dead. They were lost without the might and strength of a good leader. So in ignorance and desperation ignorance created faith out of necessity; God was born. Even today we have cliques and those that lead them. We always want a leader. When in reality we should stand up and become one ourselves.

From evidence that has been gathered it is believed that Hinduism is the oldest organized religion. That is not to say other beliefs or Gods did not come before Hinduism, but that it was the first religion to become organized.

Hinduism was brought to life by the Aryan race who migrated to Northern India. They were the first to put their religious beliefs in writing. If you want a holy book I might suggest going with the first one ever written. Just saying.

The writings are the Vedas. They were written around 1500 B.C.E. This was before the common era, and it has greatly influenced Indian culture ever since. Of course, there are other religions almost as old as Hinduism.

Judaism can trace its roots back to Abraham, who lived around 1800 B.C.E. Of course, while they are descended from Abraham, it was Moses who first recorded the Torah, or the Old Testament; which is considered the law of God. And it was with its creation that most consider the beginning of Judaism. And with the atrocities in the Torah it is no wonder Jesus came claiming love and forgiveness. If he was real maybe he was just tired of organized religion trying to control the masses. You have to admit he would get awful angry with the Pharisees.

The world’s oldest prophetic religion is believed to be Zoroastrianism. We know for sure that it is the earliest religion founded by one person. They are always founded by one person…sigh. No scholar is sure when the founding prophet actually lived. Some believe it was in the 6th century B.C.E., while others say they can trace his writings to 13th or 14th century B.C.E.

However you look at it India has certainly cradled many of the religions in our world. Hinduism, Jainism, Buddhism all originated from India. The first sacred Lord for the Jainism’s was called a Tirthankara, and lived in the 8th century B.C.E. The last Lord was Mahavir, and he lived in the 5th century B.C.E. He was the first key figure in the spread of the Jainism religion. Philosophical teachings of Siddhartha Gautama (A.K.A. Buddha) was spread after he died. It was spread around Asia around 483 B.C. E.

It seems quite odd that the dominate world religions today, Judaism, Christianity, and Islam are all fairly new. Christianity started around 30 C.E. with the teaching of a man called Jesus Christ; who some call the son of God. While Islam began in 610 C.E. with Muhammad’s revelations from God.

We covered all of that, and I have not even begun to speak on Pagan cultures, Wicca Cultures, or Scientology. There are more religions than I could ever count in this world. And folks, they can’t ALL be right. And you would think if there were a right way, only one way to find this God, we would know it. Instead, you have to choose and hope you are right.

And if you choose Christianity be careful. For there are OVER 34,000 denominations. They have religions within their religion…and yes, I am shaking my damn head. If you would like to learn more about religion and its origins you’ll have to study it yourself. For my studies I will be focusing on Christianity.

Some might ask why I care, or why it matters to me. And I think I covered that pretty well in my first two blogs. People kill themselves and others in the names of their Gods, and these fairytales are causing wars and havoc on the world. I am weary of it all. I want the world to stop disagreeing on which imaginary friend is real, and just get along. Love and forgive and live and let live.

Maybe you feel I should let Christians believe what they want to believe. That would be fine if they didn’t feel the need to preach to the entire world, and make people in 3rd world countries so afraid of their God that they make a law to serve the death penalty to anyone who dares be homosexual. Don’t you see this has to stop? I focus on Christianity because I live in America, where it runs rampant, and tries to control what all of us do. To remove our right to be free and independent, and to have the freedoms our UN-Christian founding fathers wanted us to have.

This is almost it for part one. In the next part I will cover the bible itself. I want to start with some contradictions and atrocities. Please do not apologize for the bible. There are enough apologists in the world, and I have always believed that if God is as powerful as he says he is, and his followers believe he is, then he doesn’t need people fucking apologizing for him. Wouldn’t you agree?

Once I cover the various contradictions and atrocities I found on my own and through others I will cover how the bible came to be. I am going to try to do this in the same order as I learned it. And I hope someone can benefit from learning what I have learned.

I care because of people like the suicide bombers. I care because of the people of God who hold signs that say God hates fags. I care because those same fucking people holding them signs are hypocrites. They have their own sins to deal with. I care because Jesus told them to remove the log from their own eye, and they refuse to do so. Because they run around calling everyone sinners, and don’t follow a LICK of what their supposed Savior taught. Judge not, lest ye be judged. I could go on.

I care because of people like Harold Camping. I care because I am tired of people smiling when they talk about their God coming back to throw 97% of the world in a fiery hell to burn forever. And smile again when they speak of how horrid it will be for us once they are raptured into the sky. What kind of sick individual smiles at the thought of 97% of the world left behind to deal with the largest worldwide earthquakes ever? What kind of individual would pray that to happen?

I don’t want people to teach their children that they are not good enough anymore. That they were born with a horrid sinful nature, because a long time ago their descendents listened to a talking fucking snake and ate an apple. I don’t want children to be taught that the same Savior that loves them so much is sick of their wickedness. That he is going to come back with fire and brimstone, and earthquakes and death. I don’t want fear to grip the heart of children like that. It isn’t fair.

I want people to stop saying Jesus made a sacrifice for my sins, when he sacrificed nothing. According to their book once he was done suffering on earth he was given a beautiful place next to the right hand of God. He lives in heaven and has it made. His daddy is going to let him rip apart the world, and then rule it with an iron fist for 1000 years.

I am tired of children thinking they are not good enough without Jesus, and that without him they cannot do anything. Tired of them not being able to take credit for their own accomplishments without being called prideful; sinful. Tired of families passing their beliefs onto their children, without giving the children a chance to decide for themselves.

After all, had I been born in Asia I would be more concerned with Buddhism. India and I would have been more concerned with Hinduism. The Middle East and I would be more concerned with Islam. Can’t you see that people only claim religions because they were born into them? Not in all cases, but in most. We just accept what our parents tell us, because well, they are our parents. And we are brainwashed to believe what we end up believing. What is the difference if a Muslim trains his child to tie bombs to his waist, or a Christian trains his child to be a martyr for God? Nothing aside from the bomb. Both teach their children it may be necessary to die for their God, and it sickens me.

Go to you tube and watch the Jesus Camp Documentary. Go. I dare you to watch it, and to tell me that is how we should train our children. And if you say it is not you cannot believe the bible, because according to the bible we should. You tell me as you watch that woman who runs the camp make them children feel bad about themselves that is what any God would want. You tell me how it made you feel inside when you listened to her tell them God said they were one thing at school and another at church. You watch all them children start crying, and come up to have a bottled water poured on their hands to be cleansed, and you tell me their isn’t something twisted about that.

The woman that tried to kill herself and her two daughters to save them from the apocalypse is a prime example of what that fear can do when taught. She was taught these things as a child, and everywhere she looks she sees signs of the times, and then she hears the rapture is coming May 21st. She loved her kids so much that she wanted to spare them a meeting with the God she believed in, and probably taught her children to believe in. See what that fear can do? She would rather face the depths of hell forever than to let God have one go at her children. And she wasn’t the only one.

Until next time…

1 comment:

  1. Disturbingly accurate... I am still cleaning out the Jesus crap from my kids.. My son is afraid to wash his privates because it is a sin... sad shit right there. Love ya
